F-Zero Facts Wiki

Blood Falcon is the pilot of the Blood Hawk. He was created by Black Shadow three years before the F-Zero X Grand Prix, by using Captain Falcon's stolen DNA after he was hospitalized following the huge F-Zero accident.[1] Although being an evil clone of Captain Falcon, it is revealed by F-Zero GX that Blood Falcon is not "the only copy."


Blood Falcon very much resembles Captain Falcon with few obvious differences that set the two apart from each other.

In F-Zero X, he had a red outfit with a blue collar and flap, a more orange-ish yellow scarf outwards, blue helmet (sometimes displayed as purple) with a skull on it, silver spiked shoulder pad, boots with depictions of skulls and bones, and his outfit appeared to be a little looser than Captain Falcon's. His gloves appeared to be shorter and blue.


Blood Falcon's fangs, visibly seen in F-Zero GX.

By F-Zero GX, Blood has become more closer in appearance to Captain Falcon, while still retaining his distinct features. His color scheme became red and purple, as the silver additions to his outfit remained. His gloves are now double layered and fully purple, with the ends sticking out more. His face is actually not the exact same as Captain Falcon, but the differences are very minor. Additionally, Blood Falcon's boots are a little more curved at the toes than Falcon's, his waist is thinner than Falcon's, and his muscles are slightly bigger.

Blood Falcon also has 2 visible fangs on the top row of his teeth, seen best when he talks or grins in his interviews.


Before F-Zero X[]

Blood Falcon was created by Black Shadow, using Captain Falcon's stolen DNA while he was hospitalized following the huge accident three years before F-Zero X.[1] Being Falcon's clone, Blood Falcon is capable of anything the Captain can do.[1] Blood Falcon was also taught to be evil and obey the commands of his master, Black Shadow.[1]

F-Zero X[]

When F-Zero suspension was lifted and the F-Zero X Grand Prix began, Blood Falcon was one of the participants. He was 36 years old at the time and entered alongside Black Shadow. Neither of the two were successful in defeating Captain Falcon, or winning, for that matter.

F-Zero X US Manual
Age: 36

Created by Black Shadow, Blood Falcon is an exact duplicate of Captain Falcon. Well, almost. Blood Falcon is evil — very evil.

F-Zero JP Manual
Age: 36

Blood Falcon (JP): 宇宙帝王ブラック・シャドーによって生み出された、キャプテン・ファルコンのクローン人間。当然ながら、あらゆる面においてキャプテン・ファルコンと同じ能力があり、唯一の違いは、その悪に洗脳された魂だけである。

Blood Falcon (English Translation by Sidier): A clone of Captain Falcon created by the Space Emperor Black Shadow. Obviously enough, he's equal to the real one in many aspects, but the main difference is that his soul has been brainwashed into evil.

F-Zero GX[]

By the F-Zero GX Grand Prix, Blood Falcon once again entered with Black Shadow. By this time, although Blood Falcon has only existed for four years,[1] he is physically and mentally 37 years old at this point, being a clone of Captain Falcon.[1]

F-Zero GX in-game US Pilot Profile
Sex: M | Age: 37

Although listed in the race literature as 37 years old, Blood Falcon is actually a clone created from Captain Falcon’s DNA, which was stolen while he was hospitalized after the huge accident four years ago.

With that in mind, Blood Falcon is technically 4 years old. He is capable of everything Captain Falcon can do, but he has been strictly taught to obey all the commands of his evil master, Black Shadow.

F-Zero GX in-game JP Pilot Profile
Sex: M | Age: 37

Blood Falcon (JP): レースの登録記録では37才になっているが,実は悪の帝王ブラック シャドーが4年前の大事故で病院に担ぎ込まれたキャプテン ファルコンから盗み取ったDNAから誕生したクローン人間であり,実年齢は4才である。あらゆる能力においてキャプテン ファルコンと同等の能力を持っているが,悪の化身として洗脳されており,ブラック シャドーの命令に絶対服従し,その犯罪に荷担している。[2]

DeepL Translation: His race registration record shows him to be 37 years old, but he is technically 4 years old. In fact, Blood Falcon is a clone born from the DNA that the evil Emperor Black Shadow stole from Captain Falcon, after Captain Falcon was taken to a hospital because of the big accident four years ago. Blood Falcon is equal to Captain Falcon in every way, but has been brainwashed into being evil incarnate, absolutely obeying the orders of Black Shadow and being complicit in his crimes.

F-Zero GX Story Mode[]

GX Chapter 6 Blood Falcon summon 01

Blood Falcon being summoned, being a ghastly entity exiting Captain Falcon's body.

Blood Falcon is seen in Chapter 6 of the F-Zero GX Story Mode, summoned right out of Captain Falcon by Black Shadow. He then places a speed-sensitive bomb on the Blue Falcon, and taunts Captain Falcon before sending him on his way through a busy highway and eventual dead end.

In Chapter 7, Blood Falcon's machine, the Blood Hawk, can be seen in the Grand Prix lineup as Captain Falcon and Black Shadow exchange banter before the start of the race. He is not seen afterwards.

F-Zero GX Interviews[]

Blood falcon autograph

Blood Falcon's autograph in F-Zero GX.

Tragedy In The Laundromat Blood Falcon[]


F-Zero GX- Blood Falcon Pilot Profile Movie -HD-

Blood Falcon's Master Pilot video in F-Zero GX.

Upon beating any Grand Prix on Master mode with the Blood Hawk, it will unlock a special video for Blood Falcon, which also features his theme song.

Similar to Antonio Guster and Lily Flyer, Blood Falcon's Master Pilot video also revolves around the laundromat. He makes a dramatic entrance into the laundromat before walking down an aisle of washing machines with a smirk, tugging his scarf off. He then places all of his clothes into the washing machine, even his spiked pauldron. Seconds after, Blood Falcon can be seen wearing pink boxers with a teddy bear pattern, reading a newspaper detailing his latest victory in an F-Zero Grand Prix. The photograph in the article depicts Blood Falcon holding a large gold trophy. With all the good news, the clone takes his clothes out but realizes they don't quite fit him anymore. Struggling results in one of the buttons prying off his top, and eventually ends with him looking at himself in a mirror. Ultimately, he admits defeat and audibly sighs, head hung low as the video ends.

Other Appearances[]

Super Smash Bros. Series[]

Outside of F-Zero, he is referenced in one of Captain Falcon's alt colors in the Super Smash Bros. series.

Blood Falcon is also featured as a trophy from Super Smash Bros. Brawl to Super Smash Bros For 3DS & Wii U.

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, he is an Ace Spirit that can be encountered on the Spirit Board.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl[]

Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A clone created with the DNA stolen from Captain Falcon after his post-accident hospitalization. He abides strictly by the orders of Black Shadow, who fully supports his criminal activities. Blood Falcon pilots the Blood Hawk, which happens to be nearly identical in its performance traits to Captain Falcon's Blue Falcon (#25).

Super Smash Bros For 3DS & Wii U[]

Super Smash Bros For 3DS & Wii U
US: Look! It's our beloved hero, Captain Falcon! Waitaminute...that's Blood Falcon, a clone created from Captain Falcon's DNA! The evil Black Shadow created him with world domination in mind, but Blood Falcon developed his rivalry with Captain Falcon all on his own. Looks like...someone...doesn't want to share the spotlight.
JP (English Translation by Sidier): The F-Zero (games) protagonist, Captain Falcon. Blood is a clone made from his genes. But who's the one behind his creation!? The Evil Emperor, Black Shadow, did it so as to rule over the world! Goals aside, Blood, born into this world, has a burning feeling of competition towards his source, Captain Falcon. It would seem he's plotting for a change in main actor.
PAL: Does this chap remind you of anyone? Well, he should - he's a Captain Falcon clone created by the evil Black Shadow as part of his plan to take over the world. As you might have guessed, this clone has a fierce rivalry with the original Captain Falcon. Perhaps he's not a fan of sharing his image or something.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[]

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Blood Falcon is a Spirit that can be bought in the Vault Shop or encountered on the Spirit Board.
Puppet Fighter: Two Captain Falcons.
Conditions: The enemy’s special moves have increased power. The enemy favors special moves. The enemy has increased move speed.
Class: Ace.
Type: Attack.
Effect: +Speed.
Cost: 2 Slots.
Possible References: There are two 'Blood Falcons' in this Spirit battle, as Blood Falcon stated in F-Zero GX: “Falcon, I’m not the only copy of you.”

The battle may also imply that Blood Falcon is stronger and faster than Captain Falcon, or this may also just be referencing the differences in their machines' stats. The Blood Hawk and Blue Falcon share the same body stat, but the Blood Hawk has a superior booster, at the cost of its grip.

+Speed stat, naturally for a high speed racer.



  • Although Blood Falcon was present at the F-Zero GX Grand Prix, it is not known what happened to him afterwards. Given that he's not the only clone of Captain Falcon according to one of Blood's GX Interviews, it is also not known what happened to them either.
  • In his interviews, he states that he races in the Underworld F-Zero competition.
    • The context of "Underworld" for both Blood Falcon and Deathborn actually means they are part of an underground F-Zero competition, meaning illegal races. It is explained in this tweet covering translations. It is not the same as the Skull's usage of the term "Underworld / Netherworld," which refers to the literal Underworld where the dead roam.
  • One of Blood Falcon's interviews, also hint at an independent streak, as he defeats Black Shadow and then states "I show no mercy for any of my rivals, no matter who they are."
  • He claims he is the only person who can "control the power of Blood Hawk." Which makes sense in theory, given it has an A booster and an E in grip.
  • He claims his key to victory is "the heart of a devil" but it is not known if this may be literal or figurative.
  • Black Shadow, Blood Falcon, and Deathborn's F-Zero GX theme songs all appear to use samples from Vincent De Moor's Worlds of Doubt.
  • The Japanese name for Blood Falcon's machine (the version being called 'Hell Hawk') in F-Zero X has not been used again, except for the design on the back of Captain Falcon's Blood Falcon-inspired color palette as of Super Smash Bros. Melee.
  • Blood Falcon, in his F-Zero GX Master Pilot video, is revealed to have pink boxers with a teddy bear pattern on them. (Though the canonicity of these pilot videos is dubious at best.)

See Also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 F-Zero GX in-game US Pilot Profiles
  2. F-Zero GX JP/English Interview Scripts, Blood Hawk and Blood Falcon JP Profiles

Main Universe Content
Mainverse Lore - Mainverse Timeline - F-Zero (SNES) - BS F-Zero Grand Prix - BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 - F-Zero X (F-Zero X Expansion Kit) - F-Zero GX - F-Zero AX - F-Zero Maximum Velocity
Main Universe Characters
Deathborn - Mighty Gazelle - Jody Summer - Dr. Stewart - Baba - Samurai Goroh - Pico - Captain Falcon - Octoman - Mr. EAD - James McCloud - Billy - Kate Alen - Zoda - Jack Levin - Bio Rex - The Skull - Antonio Guster - Beastman - Leon - Super Arrow - Mrs. Arrow - Gomar & Shioh - Silver Neelsen - Michael Chain - Blood Falcon - John Tanaka - Draq - Roger Buster - Dr. Clash - Black Shadow - Don Genie - Digi-Boy - Dai San Gen - Spade - Daigoroh - Princia Ramode - Lily Flyer - PJ - QQQ - Phoenix - Megan - Jane B. Christie - Alexander O'Neil - Mickey Marcus - Nichi - Lord Cyber - Kent Akechi - Kumiko - Blitz Wagner - Yazoo Jr. - Mr. Zero - Minor Characters
Main Universe Machines
Dark Schneider - Red Gazelle - White Cat - Super Cat - Golden Fox - Iron Tiger - Fire Stingray - Super Stingray - Wild Goose - Blue Falcon - Super Falcon - Deep Claw - Great Star - Little Wyvern - Mad Wolf - Super Piranha - Death Anchor - Astro Robin - Big Fang - Sonic Phantom - Green Panther - Hyper Speeder - Space Angler - King Meteor - Queen Meteor - Twin Noritta - Night Thunder - Wild Boar - Blood Hawk - Wonder Wasp - Mighty Typhoon - Mighty Hurricane - Crazy Bear - Black Bull - Fat Shark - Cosmic Dolphin - Pink Spider - Magic Seagull - Silver Rat - Spark Moon - Bunny Flash - Groovy Taxi - Rolling Turtle - Rainbow Phoenix - Hot Violet - J.B. Crystal - The Stingray - Fire Ball - Wind Walker - Sly Joker - Falcon Mk-II - Fighting Comet - Silver Thunder - Jet Vermilion - Custom Machine (F-Zero X Expansion Kit) - Custom Machine (F-Zero GX) - Blue Thunder - Luna Bomber - Green Amazone - Fire Scorpion
Main Universe F-Zero Locations, Planets, & Venues
List of Main F-Zero Universe Locations - List of Main Universe F-Zero Planets - List of Main Universe F-Zero Venues